
This likeness was drawn of Hatch by a resident of Old-Phoenix

Name: Hatch

Age: 22 (?) (though generally looks a little older than his actual age)
Height: 6’1’’
Weight: 180
Hair color and style: Black, straight, medium length, parted along middle of head.  Cannot grow facial hair.
Eye color: Brown

Race: Native American (Navajo)

Complexion and skin tone: Bronze brown
Character's body build: Muscular, lean

Identifying marks: Large coyogre bite scar on left thigh, smaller bite/claw marks on arms and torso (generally covered)

Facial features: High cheekbones, almond eyes, angular features
Hand features: Calloused palms, dirty nails
Mannerisms or gestures: Calm, fluid movements, often interlaced with abject twitchiness

Dress: Cassock, boots; dirty white shirt and jeans underneath
Possessions this character might carry: Lucky hatchet, rusty fireman’s axe, sunglasses (only needed when particularly bright)

Details & Personality:

Skills: Hand to hand combat (stylized martial art: tai chi meets barroom brawl), Throwing, Survival (desert), Tracking, Hunting/Trapping, Herbalism
Strengths: Dubiously enhanced nervous system gives Hatch superhuman senses and reflexes
Flaws: Same dubious enhancement has left Hatch unable to sleep and largely without appetite, also see “allergies”; lack of familiarity with most civilization, either current or historical; can’t swim
Allergies: All psychoactive drugs (including alcohol and caffeine) consistently send Hatch’s brain into a “survival mode” in which he is a violent danger to himself and others.  He cannot often recall these phases, though they seem to end in actual sleeping.

Strongest personality traits: Resolve, Empathy, Trust

Weakest personality traits: Intelligence, Charm, Conviction
Needs of the character: Minimal; bare necessities
Ambitions: To prepare the world, physically and morally, to confront the end times
Favorite sayings: Wildly inaccurate Biblical quotes
Interests and hobbies: Meditation, children, the ocean, holding together own fragile grasp on reality

Favorite foods: Lizard brains

Favorite colors: Green
Pets: None
Education: Minimal; largely self-taught
Religion: Catholic
Financial situation: Poor
What drives your character: Fear of God
How does your character handle conflict: Either peacefully or violently in brutal extremes, depending on mental state and degree of justification
What is standing in your character's way: The devil in men, including himself
What is their favorite room and why: Abandoned storage closet in the Lady of Infinite Mercy, as it is the only  place of quiet and solace Hatch has ever had.
What are your character's prejudices: Technology is generally evil.  People are generally good.
How does your character feel about love: That he does not deserve it
About crime: That it is unacceptable, save to further the Lord’s will
What is your character's philosophy on life: The path to a better world cannot be forged alone