GEN Maynard Kong

Undated Photograph of General Maynard Kong

GEN Maynard Kong is the president of the People's Democratic Lunar Republic (PDLR). He was borne in Dome 6, and was raised by a family of radical lunar separatists. His up-bringing caused him to join the Moon Militia at the age of sixteen, being promoted to lieutenant after four years of service. The Lunar Wars made the Moon Militia receptive to loud and violent qualities, and Kong quickly rose to the rank of general. It is worth noting that the rank more or less did not exist until Kong was promoted to it. During the brief but destructive Lunar Wars, a culture of fear and isolationism developed, creating the perfect political environment for GEN Kong's rise to power. On the promise of "keeping the moon safe for moon-men," Kong's quick restructuring of the lunar nation Selenine into the PDLR was without resistance. Kong's decisions since coming to power has led many to label him a madman and dictator. During his time in office, he has formed and strengthened the PDLR National Guard, re-activated and manned the LAAAG installations, initiated Operation Rotary, postponed elections "until the moon is safe from earthling threat," and a host of other questionable decisions.