Inland Empire, The

Location: Southwestern region of North America

Geography: Regions ranging from mountain, valley, to desert. Low levels of vegetation, though considered high compared to other, surrounding regions (Death Valley), or further inland regions (Phoenix, Vegas Dome)

Climate: Arid

Population: Unknown

Ruler: Emperor Irion

Capitol: Los Angeles

Area of rule: No points of civilization other than Los Angeles have yet admitted participation the Inland Empire, despite claims of authority that extend far into the High Desert and Mountain regions. Populations in the High Desert regions insist having “never heard”* of the Empire.

[*Programming note: Body language potentially indicative of human attempt at lying, perhaps in humor, seek outside elucidation.]

History: During the Great Fire, the “original” Los Angeles was separated from the mainland along major fault lines, supposedly during massive earthquakes triggered by the catastrophe, where it then sunk deep into the ocean. Survivors from the massive city that had fled eastward before the quakes rebuilt their city along the new coastline, on top of the rubble of the city of either San Bernardino or Riverside (actual location debated), though it was renamed Los Angles.

The rise of the actual Empire, as well as Irion himself, is not well recorded, though it is known that he is well supported by the older generations in Angeles, as well as by “special public syndicates” and a suspiciously loyal law enforcement/military structure.


Reader note: Limited first-hand knowledge of Los Angeles available, due to vehement anti-robot sentiments* among Angeles locals. Currently only referencing outside, second-hand resources. Updates required.

[*Programming Note: Limbs nearly torn off after initial native contact, escape complex and difficult: avoid Angeles in future]


These text fragments were extracted from the personal journal of one Hamilton Shackleford, Recovered from caravan ruins, Death Valley region:

Entry Label:

November 26th

Los Angeles

“I have never seen a city so fueled by insanity as Los Angeles. We were not in the city for even an hour before X-B [note: X-B would appear to be the robot navigator for Shakleford’s caravan] was knocked down by a group of locals and torn to pieces with nothing but bare hands and pipes, right in front of my family. Thankfully, Travis managed to recover X-B’s head as it rolled away after being popped off the torso, but the body was broken down by the mob as thoroughly as possible- people then fighting over the parts for several minutes.

At first I wondered if this had to some pathological need to collect metal, but a nearby observer by the name of Navarro, an older local man who seemed less inclined to participate, explained the scene to me upon my request, entailing a good deal of city history. Apparently, the standing predominant belief in the city is that robots were responsible for the Great Fire, a rumor apparently purported early in the re-establishing of order in the city, shortly after the catastrophe, by the arguably asinine Emperor Irion. At one point there had even been a “Great Cleansing,” where all surviving robots had been given the option of either being broken down into scrap parts or burned at the stake.

I am not certain if the particular attitude behind “Great Cleansing” is directly responsible for the tone of the city, or whether it is perhaps part of some other implemented strategy by the Emperor, but I have also noticed that Los Angeles is far more reliant upon faith and religion than other city I have yet come across. While in other places it would seem that the idea of religion has entirely wasted away, here it is actually thriving with a passion comparable to the hubris that fuels organizations such as the Salvation Army, though without the same level of unity. We have only been here for two days, and I have already seen active signs of no less than a dozen different religions- both of the old and new world. We in the caravan were even witness to a “skirmish” of sorts between a bunch of people dressed like animals and another group in brown jumpsuits brandishing tasers. Though the locals gathered around to witness the scene, we thought it wise to relocate our camp as quickly as possible, the Winklers later claiming to have lost a bottle of wine from their wagon during the commotion- to a man wearing bear hides.

I must say that while I have not considered the idea of religion for some time now, I thank God that Travis has managed to find a portable power source and temporarily get X-B’s head up and running again. If it lasts, we can hopefully continue our way North in the morning, and I pray that we will never have to return to Los Angeles again.”