Before the End of the World, Mecha-monkeys were created as a replacement for much of the high-skilled manual labor. A computer with extensive knowledge of the intended job, as well as muscle-memory protocols, is affixed to the back of the monkey, and connected to the brain via a jack in the back of the head. Each system is specialized, allowing the subject to perform a certain job. Packages available include, but are certainly not limited to, electronics, masonry, auto repair, and four levels of Med-Ape. Of particular value are Mecha-monkeys who are programed to prep and install other Mecha-monkeys. Mecha-monkeys are relatively rare on Earth, due to the population's tendency to canabalize resources for short-term survival. On the Moon, however, virtually all competently completed skill-intensive manual labor is done by Mecha-monkeys. Above is a picture of a typical mecha-monkey computer unit.